Simply Nandini

Simply Nandini

Monday, December 3, 2007

attitude.. huh..??

people says, all that matter is attitude...
one can be upset for two reosons. one, we didnot get what we wanted or what we expected and 2nd reason is others get what they expected or they wanted.
what we generally do, when we are upset, seeking others shoulders to cry or maybe, seeking privacy to cry on pillow.
But we never think, if we will try to step in others sheos, it will bite us b'ce it has not meant for us. Then you should keep the positive attitude that something good is really stored for u, which u will get at right time. And right time always double the value of right things.
whenever our close friend get upset, we generally console her/him saying that think positive and something good has been stored for you in whatever happen with you.
but whenever we get upset, we never able to understand.. what is so positive, that is hidden in whatever wrong happened with me and how long I have to wait to let this hidden +ve thing to come out to take place in my life..
so, one needs to be patient for that and should have a huge faith on god. he will give immense inner strength to fight all odds and to remain happy.
I have read somewhere when you think positive, it will go in the universe and attract +ve things and will return it back to u.. and same happen with -ve things. So, the choice is urs..
As every one is starving for peace and happiness in this world, if u will remain happy then people will come to you to double thier happiness.
So.. think positive, live with +ve attitude and have immense faith in god(if u believe in)
and u know somethng, there is always a better alternative to solve any problem..
think about that.. stay happy! stay precious..!!